Even More Things I Like
- A thin band of snow, miles wide, descending like a veil across the ground
- The glaciers of Alaska
- Circular rainbows projected on clouds
- Punching into my own shadow on clouds
- Mosaics of broken ice flows in harbors
- Breaking out of the fog a few hundred feet above a runway
- Pockets of fog in valleys of the countryside in early morning
- The dull glow of city lights through a low cloud deck
- The Swiss cheese pattern of the North Slope lakes in Alaska
- Brilliant white and red lines of car lights stretching to forever.
- Car tail lights flashing with the brilliance of diamonds in the sun
- The silver-rope wingtip vortex of a jet on landing
- Propellers squeezing fog out of the air
- St. Elmo's fire dancing on the windshield
- Experiencing a fraternity of trust when airports loan me cars and pilots let us camp on the front lawn of their house.
- The privilege of facilitating pilots' growth as an instructor.
- The transcendance of politics.
- The pure white carpet of the ground just after a snowstorm.
John Magee's poem really sums it up for me . . .